Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Mother's Day Surprise

My Mother has a very serious condition. It has not been officially diagnosed or given a name in the medical profession. I however HAVE diagnosed and given it a name.
Chronic Happiness.
That is right folks, my Mother is blessed with Chronic Happiness.
She professes that to be
cheerful is a choice.
She also is found quoting,

"Be Pretty if you are,
Be Witty if you can,
But be cheerful if it kills you."

And she lives by it.

For Mother's Day, my brothers and I decided to surprise her and all show up for the weekend. We are spread out between 4 states and were in need of a family gathering.

My brother David and I arrived Friday morning. My Dad told my Mom that they needed to go to a business lunch with some of his co-workers. She totally fell for it. As she walked in she saw my sister-in-law Kim (who lives close to my Mother in AZ) waiting by a table.

And I quote.
"What are you doing here?"

And then she noticed David (who lives in UT) next to Kim!

And then she saw Me (who lives in NC) next to David.
This where we lost words and the crying began.


She cried for 20 minutes and had a hard time eating her lunch. She said she couldn't get her heart rate to slow down.

Later that night John (who lives in Eastern AZ), Marc (who lives in CA), and Allen (my fantastic husband) flew in and surprised her through a mock basketball lineup.
Just imagine Michael on a microphone...
 "And now starting at 6 foot 2, from Safford, Arizona, The Technical Director from EAC.... JJJOOOHHHNNNN!!!!"
Then John runs in the room giving high fives. And so on with each sibling.
My brothers really like sports. Can you tell?
My Mother was surprised to say the least.
It was a lovey weekend. A healthy dose of family goes a long way.
More to come on the weekend festivities.


  1. Rachel! This is Kelsie (McCleary) Thueson! I'm a stalker friend of yours! And I love this post! And I love the Favreau family! And I love your mother's quote...I'll be using it frequently from here on out! What a good rule to live by! Surprises to Moms are the best, because they are so deserving of surprises! Glad you see you are all well!

  2. Is it bad that I cried a little bit? I'm so glad the surprise went well! Love you guys!

  3. aww. so glad I can follow your blog now...

  4. I love that Meagan cried about your mom crying. :) Freaking Udall women!!

  5. That is so pricelss Rach! I love your mom! I love you! Beautiful!

  6. Sorry Rachel that was me, not John!
